Kyle Christensen


To obtain a position where I can utilize my diverse skillset in UNIX systems engineering, security, and technical operations.


Warner Bros. Digital Labs

Philadelphia, PA

September 2015 - Present
DevOps Engineer
Warner Bros. Digital Labs combines the disciplines of design, product, and tech to build video-enabled brands that make people laugh, cry and jump for joy. We've been running Docker at scale since the early days, powering Warner Bros. websites like Boomerang, DramaFever, and WarnerArchive.

AWeber Communications

Chalfont, PA

November 2013 - September 2015
Senior Operations Engineer
Member of a tightly knit operations team responsible for maintaining, a leader in opt-in email services for small businesses. Responsibilities include automating continuous deployment tasks using Jenkins and Github Enterprise and increasing developer velocity, as well as infrastructure and application provisioning using Chef and Puppet. The operations team manages an enterprise network comprised of hundreds of Linux servers and monitors application health and metrics using Graphite, Grafana, and Nagios.

CrowdGather, Inc.

Woodland Hills, CA

May 2011 - November 2013
Systems Engineer
Worked as a key member within the engineering group to provide technical guidance and help grow the CrowdGather network. Developed standards-compliant web applications written in PHP and jQuery. Assisted in the design, implementation, and maintenance of infrastructure to serve over 250 million page views per month. While at CrowdGather, helped onboard and modernize web properties, with a focus on search engine optimization, improving site stability, and maximizing performance. Designed and implemented a network-wide search engine solution spanning over 40,000 databases using Sphinx. Helped identify performance issues and tune virtualized (Citrix XenServer & Amazon Web Services) cache, web, and database servers. Launched an initiative to improve network security via regular auditing, implementation of security policies and forensic examination of security intrusions. Selected by the COO to mentor junior staff, participate in the recruiting process and provide oversight in technical operations.

PbNation, LLC.

Decatur, GA

October 2001 - May 2011
CTO / Partner
Grew PbNation from a hobby website into the one of the largest forums online, which was acquired by a public company in 2011. While at PbNation, my responsibilities included managing a volunteer group of over 100 staff, as well as a community of over half a million registered users. Acted as lead developer responsible for the design and implementation of high volume web applications written in PHP/jQuery with MySQL, Memcache and Sphinx back ends. Designed and managed the infrastructure responsible for serving over 30 million page views monthly, as well as performing ongoing support, performance tuning, and maintenance of the PbNation network.

SelectMinds, Inc.

New York, NY

October 2003 - May 2006
Senior Systems Administrator
Responsible for hardware selection, network design, implementation and ongoing maintenance of application, web, and database servers to power the SelectMinds SaaS platform. Worked as part of an on-call rotation to monitor and ensure high availability of services in a datacenter environment. Deployed and supported development environments for application and web developers, implemented company-wide technology solutions to improve company workflow and productivity, and oversaw IT operations.

Aviation Learning, Inc.

Rochester, NY

May 2000 - May 2003
Systems Administrator / Courseware Developer
Developed strategies to upgrade existing network and computer infrastructure, and implemented a company-wide software compliance policy. Designed and implemented a specialized web and IMAP-based email system focusing on anti-spam technologies and security. Managed a mixed Windows/Unix network using Ethernet, ISDN & frame relay technologies. Developed state of the art E-learning applications using Macromedia Authorware and Dreamweaver, XML, and Javascript.


Systems Administration

Over two decades of experience maintaining multi-user UNIX environments and network services including Apache, nginx, Tomcat, Bind, MySQL, NcFTPd, NFS, Postfix, Sphinx, Equallogic SAN and virtualization stacks including Citrix XenServer, VMware ESXi, and KVM. Exstensive experience using Docker at scale in production environments. Experienced scripter in Bourne shell, Perl, and Python.


Experienced in TCP/IP networking, wireless networking technologies, firewall/IDS systems, BIG-IP F5 load balancing, and modern network security practices.

Web Development

Skilled in modern PHP programming paradigms, CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.

Operating Systems

Experienced in the installation, configuration, and troubleshooting of Linux, OS X, and Microsoft Windows.


Rochester Institute of Technology

August 1997 - July 2001
Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology
Concentrations in networking and systems administration
Minor in Science, Technology, and Society

Personal Achievements

Eagle Scout in Willistown Boy Scout Troop 78
Brotherhood Honor Member in Order of the Arrow Lodge 22